Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So, of course we were so proud to have lil Bailey home with us.  Shelby immediately took charge as Big Sister.  We began to see a pattern as we would take her for her well baby visits.  Each visit we would be asked about certain things:  3 months- does she ooo & ahhh?  does she laugh/smile?  does she reach for objects? does she roll over?  NO TO ALL OF THE ABOVE.  6 months-  does she sit up?  does she roll from side to side?  does she mimic facial expressions?  does she crawl?  NO TO ALL OF THE ABOVE.  9 months-  does she stand while holding something?  does she pull up to standing position?  does she wave good-bye?  does she say 'mama' & 'dada'?  NO TO ALL OF THE ABOVE.  12 months-  does she walk?  say other words than 'mama' & 'dada'?  does she understand simple instructions?  NO TO ALL OF THE ABOVE.

Notice the pattern?  Yep, she didn't hit ANY of them.  Looking back now, I just want to hit myself for not being more proactive....which would have lead to earlier intervention....which would have probably kept her from being as delayed as she is today.  Anyway, I would ask her pediatrician about it.  He would act as though nothing was wrong.  He explained to me that some children just develop at their own time, not to worry.  So I trusted him. 

What & when milestones were hit?  Well, she sat up around 9 months.  She never crawled, instead she did this weird 'wounded soldier' thing where she would drag her body across the floor.  She began this around 12 months.  Let's see, she 3 years old, with the help of AFOs (leg braces...which is another story.  her legs are turned.  low muscle tone.  flat foot.  very stiff)

When she started walking she couldn't just stand stationary...she had to always be marking time.  And she would stick her fingers in her ears or have them above her head for balance.  When I say she started walking, I do not mean walking like even the normal toddler.  She was extremely unstable, very wobbly.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when Bailey started walking. It was such an answer to prayer. She is such an angel.
