Friday, July 30, 2010

They Must Really Love Her

Bailey is getting older, taller and heavier....she's simply getting bigger. And with this physical growth, her emotions and lack of controlling them also grows. We have had VBS all week, which means her routine was anything but. I was teaching a class, so I couldn't be with her the whole time.

There are ladies in our church who take on the responsibility of caring for Bailey without thought. They naturally tend to her and see that she is protected and happy. That sounds all warm and fuzzy, but it can be the total opposite. Bailey can be.. ..for a lack of a better word....difficult to deal with. She doesn't think twice about screaming if unhappy, scratching when unnerved and hitting anytime she deems necessary.

These sweet ladies patiently reprimand her (usually with no luck) and deal with her with so much love. I know that if it were me dealing with someone else's child, I wouldn't be so nice. But I watch them even when they don't know I am. They never yell at her or even sound angry. They calmly talk to her and try to appease her.

Of course, during this time she is usually just staring at them and continuing to misbehave. It seems like all of their efforts are in vain.

I never have to worry about Bailey while at church. I know that these ladies will come to her aid and are prepared to put up with her antics although she can show no signs of gratitude. I do appreciate them. And I know that

They Must Really Love Her!

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