Monday, July 19, 2010


They are a funny thing, these feet we have. Feet support our weight and make us mobile. They are super cute after a fresh pedicure and horribly smelly after a day of vigorous work. They are small things that probably do not get a lot of thought, in the grand scope of things...but when you have a ones that do not work properly, they somehow begin to consume your life; taking over your thoughts, yours emotions, everything. Or at least that's what they've done to me...and they aren't even my feet.

Ten little toes, some perfectly fine and others twisted and distorted, attached to flat feet (one of which is severely turned out) support this little girl each day. Three sets of AFOs (leg braces) have been bought and used to no avail. With no communication from Bailey, we always thought the issue was more cosmetic than anything. You know, people stare at this child who limps and can't walk as fast as a toddler, who cannot run on the playground, who cannot climb the monkey bars alone, who is very unstable on anything less than level ground. But after nearly 6 years of walking (since she began at age 3), we have grown accustomed to lingering behind the rest of the crowd and taking our time to get places.

It wasn't until a few months ago that she began to grimace, to show signs that she was hurting. Never does she show signs of pain...maybe only a handful of times in her life...she has such an extremely high tolerance for pain. Now, every time she stands, she makes horrible faces and groans and whines. The pain must catch her by surprise, because she immediately reaches to grasp anything in reach for stability and looks so scared. We stand there waiting, whether in a busy restaurant, waiting room, parking lot, where ever, for her to be able to get her footing and walk. Now trips that were twice as long because of her disabilities, now they seem three times as long.

She finally gains the ability to walk and feels partially confident with doing so. Holding her arms for stability, she walks as if walking on glass, short quick steps that seems to shoot fiery pains through her feet and up her legs.

Applications have been filled out to go to a specialist, but who knows when we will hear back from that. Each day grows worse. I really wish she could just tell me exactly what she's feeling. Does it sting? Do they tingle? Is it constant? Do they throb? Who knows?

The Lord does, I am sure of that! All I can do is pray that His will be done. Whether that means healing her Himself...which is more than able to do, or allowing us the help we need from a specialist, I will be sure to give all glory to Him!

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