Friday, April 23, 2010

To date, Bailey has lost 13 teeth....or at least I think she has.  That's as many as I can count before she clamps down on my finger like an alligator and begins the death roll.  Of those 13, only 4 have actually been pulled by me.  The rest have been swallowed, fallen out while eating, and who knows how else they have been disposed of.

The 13th came out this morning.  I brushed Bailey's teeth, which in itself is an olympic sport, and cleaned her mouth out as good as possible....since rinse and spit are out of the option.  Then she kept grabbing at her mouth, like when you have a hair in your mouth but can't find it.  Then she did the cat with a fur ball gag, at which point she successfully reached in pulled something out and threw it on the ground, then commenced to watching Barney as if nothing had happened.  What in the world is that?  A tooth!  GEEZ!  Hmmm....I wonder which one it was?  So I bravely go fishing around in her which point I broke out into a small sweat just around the brow line.  A few bites and prying of the jaws later I saw the newest empty spot.....but what is this?  Another loose tooth right beside it?  AHA!  I have found one!  Maybe I can actually pull this one out myself!

She reluctantly lets me in for brief periods of time.  I can feel it just hanging on.  Finally I get a fairly good grip on the thing and I knew that I only had this one golden opportunity to pull.  This was my chance, my moment!  YANK!  The result?  Enormous, geyser amounts of blood pooling in her little mouth and dripping onto the carpet below.  No tooth, that dumb thing was connected on one side.....and connected well I might add.  Ugh!  It's not like you can say, 'Bailey, put this towel in your mouth to stop the bleeding then go to the bathroom and spit out the blood and then rinse your mouth out really good.'  No, it was more like, 'Brody, bring me that sock....hurry.  Now go get the wet wipes.'  A sock?  Yes, it was the closest thing at the moment.  Beggers can't be choosers.

After 3 pints of blood and a very pale Bailey, (jk, grandmothers) I got her all cleaned up and off to school, where for the next 7 hours they will be on tooth duty.  I am sure it will fall out at breakfast or lunch, without Bailey ever knowing that it's missing, or even caring that it is.

I'm telling you, this house is ever full of stories, dilemmas, emotional breakdowns, uncontrollable laughter....but always love!  Have a great day all!

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