Friday, March 5, 2010

It's rude.  Really.  Rude.

I am not very old, but I do remember a time when people were more considerate of one another.  When teens had a bit of sense. A bit.

I thought Hill Street was a residential road, not a drag strip. 

I've said it once before, we live on the busiest intersection in all of Burnet county...or at least it seems that way.  And for some strange reason, every spontaneous, living-for-the-moment, 'i don't give a care', no worries teenager finds it so awesome to squeal his tires, spin out, play ridiculously loud stupid music, show off his mighty muffler, and scream wildly out the window right here at my house between the times of 10PM to midnight.

I just don't get it.  I understand that teenagers live differently.  They are strange and crazy, but I would have never been so ignorant as to do something like that.

I think I will get a neon poster and buy one of those super sized sharpie markers and write, "He who wakes her takes her".  HA! (ok, I really wouldn't want any of them to take her)

Sleep is a luxury around here.  Sleep in my own bed is an even bigger one.  And I am unwilling to give it up due to some hormone driven teenager who thinks he must exert his macho manliness on the street in front of my house. 

So please, if you happen upon this, and you are a parent of a teenager in Burnet, please recommend to them that there is a woman on the edge on the corner of Hill and Tate who will one day have had enough.


  1. You know that deep down you covet those Flowmasters... ;-P

  2. Donya, I thinhk those same teenagers cruise over to our neighborhood too. Pam
