In October of 2002, I was on the phone with a friend. Bailey was down for a nap in her bedroom. Shelby Grace was nearly 4 by now. She was at that 'dress up' stage....unfortunately. She loved to get dresses from the thrift store. She would only wear the ones that were flowy at the bottom...and called them spin dresses. This was one day that she was wearing one of them....and it was the most hideous looking thing. I remember she looked like Half Pint after a schoolyard brawl! I must also say that I wasn't exactly dressed to kill, either. I had on one of those worn out, bleached out, tattered knit skirts and an old shirt (cleaning day, after all) and I can't remember, but I am sure my hair was in a pony tail!

Anyway, she comes to me while I am talking and says that Bailey has thrown up. Well, I just figured she had spit up a bit, no biggy. So I ended my conversation and casually walked into the bedroom. There I found my 14 month old face down in vomit. Motionless....lifeless....limp. I didn't know what to do. I just scooped her into my arms and ran over to the church (which was only about 15 ft from our front door) where Michael was studying. "Is this normal?" was the question I asked as I nearly broke down his door. I know, what kind of question was that? Of course it's not 'normal.' To this day, we still laugh about me asking such a question.
Michael, being an EMT, took her and cleaned her airway. She was breathing, but barely. We scurried to the van and off to the ER we went. No need to call 911, we were out in the boonies, just as fast or faster to take her ourselves. So off we go, Michael who is dressed appropriately; me, looking like raggidy ann; shelby looking like a bad half pint impersonation! Let me say, those hospitals sure do part the red seas when you bring in a lifeless child in your arms.

A series of tests was ordered. Spinal tap, mri, cat scan, various blood tests. We were asked 9,264 questions about everything under the moon. My mind was in a fog. Finally, the doctor concluded that she must have had a febrile seizure and that she would be fine. Bailey had pheumonia so she was admitted for treatment. We were assured that this probably wouldn't happen again. We were relieved to hear that. What drama!
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