I must also mention this fact: Bailey never slept. I'm not exagerating, I'm not stretching the truth at all when I say that if she slept 2 hours a day, we were doing the hallelujah dance! We couldn't figure it out. I would stay up with her all night. I probably looked like someone from Night of the Living Dead....at best. She would just scream all the time. Seriously, like not whine or wimper or cry, but absolutely scream! Like she was on fire or something. No matter how much I rocked, paced, patted, fed, changed, talked, swayed, sang, prayed, bounce, swaddle, there was no relief. This was NOT colic. These screams were coming from somewhere else...and I was unable to find that source.
She also had a hard time poopin....won't go into major detail about that! But had to use Miralax (b/f it was available OTC) That eventually got better. Let's see, she also had a bad case of eczema....that too has passed. We always had the hardest time making her smile. She would just stare at you....and I do mean stare! No emotion, no expression. Once she could sit up, we noticed that she would kind of twitch or seem to be falling over, then catch herself....But once again, I chalked this up to the fact that she was delayed and that she was just unbalanced....no big deal....or so I thought.
I will stop here. This is basically a brief one year synopsis. It was much like tending to a newborn for 12 months, literally; maybe even worse...lack of sleep really got to me!
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