Monday, March 29, 2010

Geez....someone should get me for not posting in so long!  I guess I let life get in the way of blogging...go figure.

I haven't told you yet about Bailey's meds.  Well, up until last May, Bailey was on a few different meds.  She took Keppra for epilepsy and Seroquel.  Why up until last May?  Glad you asked...

When Bailey began receiving Early Intervention, the case worker suggested we look into SSI for her so that she would be automatically qualified for Medicaid.  That was such a blessing.  We were approved and so she received Medicaid benefits.  This was a big deal because we were constantly at the doctor's office, ER, hospital for various tests, PT/OT/Speech, AFO fittings, etc.  Not to mention the fact that she received all of her medications through medicaid.

Once we moved to Texas, we tried switching her over to Texas medicaid.  Of course we had to inform them of the new salary that my husband was receiving.  Well, needless to say, for the first time ever, SSI informed us that we made too much for SSI or medicaid.  What?!  Now let me rant for just a moment concerning the SSI portion.  No, we did not need that money every month...although it did come in handy to buy her pull ups!  But we needed the SSI to receive the medicaid.  What I am furious about is that approval for Bailey's SSI is based on my husband's salary.  I do not agree with this at all.  We thought about taking a pay cut for her to be put back on, but then we realized that for the rest of his life, my husband would never be able to receive a pay raise because then we would lose it again.  I believe that SSI should be based on Bailey's disability.  How much my husband brings home doesn't change the fact that Bailey is disabled and always will be.

Rant over before I say something I shouldn't!  Anyway, since my husband is a pastor, we do not have group insurance.  So, once her medication ran out, we didn't know what to do.  There was no way we could afford it every month. 

Now I know that before I go any further, I am gonna receive judgement from some about what we decided.  But we are bible believing Christians 100%.  So, one night my husband was preaching about faith.  How we have faith to trust Christ with our souls, but not with day to day dealings.  WOW!  He went on to talk about how many people are on antidepressants when really they need Christ, etc.  He did, though, say that he knew God put doctors/medication on earth to help us.  But that many times it is abused.  True.  So, later we talked about Bailey and how that this was our opportunity to trust Christ with Bailey's  conditions 100%.  That's right, up to that point, I realized that I had never placed the situation completely in His hands.  Of course I had prayed many times to help her and to make things better...but I never had just prayed and asked God to heal her and just place it all in His hands.  What conviction filled my soul.

So, once the meds ran out, we did not seek to refill them.  I was nervous at first.  What if it throws her into some crazy seizure and does major damage.  Well, we prayed in faith, believing God would take care of her.  Well, I am so glad to say that she has only improved since taking her off the meds!  Her personality is friendlier, not as violent.  Her sleeping has improved.  As far as seizures go, nothing has changed.  Even when she was on the Keppra, she still had small episodes once in a while.  Well, she still does, but they aren't bad at all.  Very mild.  So for nearly a year, Bailey has been medicine free!

We praise God for this.  What, you may ask, would we have done if the whole thing had backfired?  Well, we would have still praised God for showing us that we do need medication for her.  But we do believe whole heartedly that God honors when we put complete faith in Him and demonstrate that faith!  We believe he rewards us for trusting Him.  He also tells us that He will give us the desires of our hearts.  And believe me, our desire was that Bailey would not be stuck on medication for the rest of her life!

Will there ever come a time that she has to be put back on meds?  I don't know.  Maybe.  But either way, we will trust God and always be sure to give Him the honor and glory that He deserves.


  1. I as being the grandmother did worry but I did respect the decision they made. They are both the best parents Bailey could have had. They seem to know when to worry and when not too. I know that she is a very different child after coming off her meds. I am so thankful that Bailey has been such a blessing to everyone she meets. GOOD JOB DONYA AND MICHAEL. MOM

  2. What an encouragement that we all can use or apply to our own lives. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself....God surely uses you in a mighty way.
