Sunday, February 28, 2010

Well, Shelby has been gone for two weeks now.  It's been so odd not having her around.  The trip to Florida was a needed one for her.  She is such a 'mommy' around here.  Not many 11 year olds have the maturity level that she has.  She's still just a kid, though, and this trip allowed her that freedom!

So, Bailey has been a big girl....sleeping all by herself, with the help of Barney of course!  After the other two little episodes in the middle of the night, not much else has gone on with her sleeping.  Except, that is, one other night.  Let me explain:

We had revival last week.  Any change in Bailey's usual structure or routine usually ends up in some sort of weird, possilby seizure, activity.  This was one of those times.  By Wednesday night I guess she was tired and kind of out of sorts.  She came home from school and went and laid in her bed........which she has never done before.  Later, we go to church to eat supper with Dr. House.  She doesn't eat.  She's just lethargic, falling asleep sitting up.  Rosy cheeks and whiny.  Nothing ever came of it, but I was not looking forward to her sleeping alone with the door shut that night.  So after she fell asleep, I quietly cracked open her door. 

Around 4:45AM, I am awakened by Michael, "Donya...did you know she's in here?!"  I sit up and can see the sillouhette of Bailey's head.  She's standing on Michael's side of the bed.  "She was patting me real lightly and saying, "DaDaDaDa" super quiet."  We cracked up!  What in the world?  Anybody who keeps up with Bailey's development knows that this is completely uncharacteristic of her.  This meant that she had to have uncovered herself (again), gotten herself out of the bed (again), opened the cracked door, walked up the little steps in our hallway, pushed open our bedroom door, and walked over to Michael.....and all in the dark!  Never has she done anything like fact, we didn't even know she could! 

Michael said, "Great, next thing we know we will find her with the fridge open eating cheese in the middle of the night!"  hahahaha!  how funny!  This really cracked us up!

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