Saturday, February 20, 2010

Super Big Praise

2/20/2010     Good morining everyone!  I have a huge praise to share with everyone!  This is one story I am glad to tell.  It may seem frivilous to some,  but others will be shoutin' the praise right along side me!

Background first, if I may....Bailey has never slept, at all.  I think I have talked a bit about this in earlier posts.  Anyway, for about a year now, Shelby (the best big sister EVER) has been sleeping with Bailey.  She generally still wakes during the night, but if someone is in the bed with her she will eventually go back to sleep.

Well.....Shelby is in Florida right now visiting our families.  We were so worried about her leaving because we weren't sure how Bailey would do at night.  So here is a breakdown of the last three nights...

Tuesday night, we decide to leave her Barney video on very quietly.  We put her in the bed and as soon as she realizes that no one was getting in there with her she screams.  We just shut the door and wait.  So she did scream for about 30 minutes or so.  Not too bad, but a screaming 8 year old is so much louder than a screaming infant, for sure!  Well, I forgot to put pajama pants on her.  That's a big thing when it's cold because she doesn't know how to cover herself up.  I was worried, so I sent Michael in to check on her before going to bed.  UGH!  She was poopy!  Great, now I have to wake her to change her and she will probably never go back to sleep.  So I  rouse her up as best as possible, but lucky for me, she was in a total state of confusion!  She does that a lot when she wakes froma nap.  She will start this weird laugh and will have her back all hunched over. She was drooling up a storm.  So she didn't mind at all that I was changing her. (which was super hard to do because she was laying in the bed, a bunk bed, which made it hard to clean under neath her)  She got right back into bed with only a few minutes of crying!  Around 4:30 in the morning she wakes up...which I totally expected.  And so I go to get in the bed with her.  I open her door and look down, there's Bailey.  She's all tangled in her blanket and laying on her stomach.  I have no idea how she got there.

Wednesday night, the crying was lessened.  But around 11:30, just as we were going to bed, we could hear her usual, "Come get me" moan...."MAAAAMAAAAAA"  I wish you could hear it.  She sounds like some  old lady with emphazema, real low tone and drawn out slowly.  We debated letting her cry it out, but Michael was sure that something was different and I needed to go check.  I open the door and there she stands!  She was standing at the door, which is what she does if a door is shut because she doesn't know how to open doors.  I don't even know how she managed to get herself uncovered and out of the bed; seeing that she can't do either one very easily.  I put her back in the bed and she whined for a moment then was out.

Last night, a miracle of sorts.  I put her to bed around 9:45.  I turned on the tv really low and just acted like this was the normal routine.  I helped her into bed and told her to lay down.  And guess what?  She did!  she snuggled right up and I quickly left the room and shut the door behind me, waiting to hear the screams begin......silence.  What?!  Can it be?!  Could it really happen?!  YES!  Yes it did...........for the first time in over a year, Bailey Dyan Wiggins went to bed like a big girl, all by herself and didn't make one sound about it!  WooHoo!!!!!!!  And it gets better, she slept until 7:50 this morning!  Which also means that I got to sleep until 7:50 this morning!  Praise God!

Little Battles, Big Praises!


  1. Amen! I am really glad for ya'll. Blessings on you guys!

    Love you all!
    Bro. Daniel

  2. That is so cool, Praise the LORD!
