Friday, November 19, 2010

Another Reality Check

The very familiar school phone number appears on my vibrating phone; at which point, I always assume the worst.  Your principal voice was on the other end.  My first thought was that your brother had gotten into some major trouble!  I was wrong.

She informed me of how you went to your 'favorite tree' during recess....and something happened.  A little boy had found his way to where you were, but you were not thrilled with sharing 'your tree' with all.  So, in usual Bailey form, you begin spitting at him.  He, in turn, decided that the best course of action would be to hit you in the back with the toy he was holding...not once, not twice, but several times.

She told me how your back was so red.

And that's when it hit me.  You.Are.Not.Safe.  That's right.  I realized that in this dark world we live in, you will never be safe to fight your own battles, to seek out help when you are in a battle, or to share with me your feelings about the battle.

Had the principal not called, I would have never known you had been hit.  Never did you cry, for your tolerance of pain is so high.  Never did you tell an adult, for you cannot speak in sentences.  Never did you consider the situation, realize that you should leave, and take action, for your mind isn't capable of making such deductions.

And that's the part that scared me so much.  The mommy side of me immediately jumped to all of the worst case scenarios with which you could possibly someday face.  I was frightened thinking about you being hurt, attacked, confronted and never being able to call for help.  

If nothing else, I was quickly reminded of how necessary our (me, daddy, shelby, brody) our mission is.  We have been chosen to protect, speak, think, and act for you.  Our mission can be daunting.  It can be overwhelming, but none-the-less, it is ours to accept and carry out. 

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